Wednesday 12 December 2012

8th WIEF in Johor

It's a proud to be an invited guest for this annual WOLD forum convene at Persada Johor International Convention Centre on 4th till 6th Dec 2012 which discussed the changing dynamics in global business today after the Arab uprising and Eurozone crisis which leaves many doors open to new business opportunities elsewhere across the globe. 
All muslim around the world was participate and grasp this opportunities as platform in expanding their business and as a great new channel of business world to explore and play with.

The 8th WIEF has introduced some innovative changes to cater to the growing needs of the business world, including incorporating the Young Leaders Forum and the Businesswomen Forum into the main Forum programme, special luncheon talks with global personalities, a new interactive dialogue session with an international personality, focused corporate networking breakfast sessions and customised business networking sessions which truly enable the WIEF Foundation to become a leader in BUILDING BRIDGES THROUGH BUSINESS,” - Tun Musa, Chairman of WIEF Foundation.

The other interesting part that all the guest are invited to join their luncheon at Persada as well. The lunch was started with a super informative talk by one of the speaker from Japan. Which I find it its a good intro slot just before you have your meal, its actually give adequate time for caterer to serve their menu by not boringly looking at them run here and there to deliver their services because that's what I did before...hihiii..

Me become more surprise and amaze as never expected that Islamic Economy could achieve the greatest high level in business world trends nowadays. Everyone in this world have turn into this market.... yes, I mean it...EVERYONE okay... superb! this really reflect to it's tagline " Changing Trends, New Opportunities" .  wo ho! Fantastic! One thing they all were eager about is the new thing call 'Sukuk'. *I salute!

So now I knows, you knows and all people in this planet know the new trend of economy should be, we need to play our part in this new trend, otherwise we will be LEFT behind... 

Let's be part of our journey in making dreams into reality in this NEW trends.

Sharing is caring

Sunday 9 December 2012

Beloved Mentor

I was being approached by this sweet small lady in size earlier this year, somewhere in March I guess, sharing the all benefit and good information about premium beautiful corset which is she had wearing it since when...proven self experience!! What more you can ask for? Because of all the goodness and greatest, the trust had push and motivate her to join the business.

She did suggest and telling all the benefit gain and it's can make your life wonderful. I did try and put the corset on and got thaaat feeeling, which its don't do the fair by tell it in here but....  well, I guess I need to try and I will do, rest assure kay dear...

Talking about the corset, it's really give a good effect to your body immediately, like 15min to 30min, worth of try and really open your perception about all other products as well. You are the best judge about your feeling inside, right? No wonder so many beauty lady choose this product over hundreds corset available in the market.

The best part is about joining as business, she share all the details, formula, tables, name it what you want to know and she just share ALL without hidden 'charges', hehehee...
it's really fair enough to avoid confusion and misunderstood which will bring the 'tipah tertipu' feeling in  the future. Really appreciate the good effort and time spending....

IF ever since I just join her as business partner, I shall be the same 'par' as her right now probably like this . Don't wait and give so much inappropriate reason about yourselves unless you've done it. You know the best of your values , pick and choose and kick off your strong value, just put aside your weakness....It just what I did, being delayed with thinking and thinking, it didn't help you much, believe me! coz that what I did months ago... Don't repeat what I've done before,plsss!

Somehow I just realize it didn't help me at all. I'm feel like just wake up after looong sleep since anciet, pfftttt!! 

Well, no worries now kay... It's brand new me after loooong sleep! Yeay!! Full of positivity and initiative! ALL this things you NEED to do is just follow every guidance step share by these iron Lady suddenly you will become like THEM, believe the proof that you've seen. There are no secret since it's been share. Secret will NOT be a secret anymore once it's share, agree?  Good...
All I must  say here is MILLION Thanks to Fizah and Adibah for your concern, love and trust that you've put in me till I've grasp this golden opportunities that you've proven.

Come on Lady! Let's us help you! from Zero to Hero, from nobody to somebody...everything is done in group and online marketing with the great Professional Teamwork with objective of 4/5 figure income, money and time freedom.

it's just a START

still not too LATE!!

SMS @ CALL @ WHATSAPP @ PM @ inbox me
Aminah | 0177622434

Thursday 6 December 2012

December Love ~ extra

Love is in the air colorfully flying!!

My praise is always for ALLAH SWT for shower me with the very bless... continuously!

with this tremendous feeling and fantastic atmosphere, I'm to WELCOME my new biz partner in this beautiful business.
 #a big applause#

Just only starting to wear and feel and experience of the miracle corset, Premium Beautiful...of course! She can tell the future how was it if she could enjoy all the success then she turn and grab the opportunity to prove to the future.

With this new recruit, our Johor team shall be strong and establish. Enhance!! We are moving that way.... 

It's our proud and pride to afford joining the big team, Green Leaders Group mentoring by Adibah Karimah and lead by Fizah.

ops! and we keep it professionally
just texting me and join us...and yes! you should.

Aminah | 017 7622434

Wednesday 5 December 2012


lots of LOVE,
Aminah | 017 7622434

Sunday 2 December 2012

Testimoni Alahan Makanan Kerang Kerangan

Rata-rata ramai org di dunia ni gemar dan suka sangat pada makanan kerang kerangan a.k.a "shellfish' especially Malaysia yg kaya dengan sumber mentah makanan ini dan restoran yg menyediakan juadah menu ini juga. Saya adalah orang yg tidak terkecuali, hehehe....
Dari sumber makanan yang kaya dgn iodin, immune system seseorang akan diganggu dgn kehadiran bahan ini dan reaksi alergi yang biasa berlaku ialah alahan pada kulit seperti ruam yg banyak. Ketam, udang dan sotong adalah alergen yg paling biasa.

Alahan yang biasa akan kelihatan pada kulit penghidap alergi apabila dia mengambil makanan laut ini sahaja, jika dia mengawal permakanan ini maka alahan tidak akan kelihatan. Kiranya penyakit ini akan keluar sekali sekala dan pada masa tertentu sahaja dan dalam masa beberapa minit sahaja.

Mengelak dari mengambil makanan shellfish ini mungkin nampak mudah (tak semudah itu hokeh!) and since memang tiada ubat untuk menyembuhkan alahan ini, the only way you can do is manage and prepare future reaction...woohooo! it's not THAT easy maann!!

The simple and easy shield to carry and put on is Far Infra Red (FIR). Where you can get it? Of course by put on Premium Beautiful Corset.

Try it and prove it to yourselves!!
Aminah | 017 7622434

Saturday 1 December 2012

December Love

Month of December shall be mark as my month of LOVE ... i'm talking about a lots of love and how fortunate I am. Showered by ALLAH SWT bless and guidance. ALLAH had award me with precious gift ever.....PRICELESS!! Alhamdulillah....

Both of my lovely dearies healthy angel was born in this very month. My life totally turn into new life...happy great amazing life as everyone dream in this world. Nothing shall replace the feelin for being a Mother @ Mummy @ Mama @ Ibu @ Emak for a pair of active healthy kids. My love is all for them...totally burst and spread in the air. And it's keep spreading...

And because of them, I'll need to keep improving my health, just the right time that premium beautiful corset came into my life. It's my own choice in deciding to wear it  as I'm believe it's working towards better and the best of all what inside me. Till now never regret my TRUST of them. As mother of two active kids and as working mother and wife, this corset is just what my body need everyday.

My praise always for ALLAH SWT for such good fortune showered to me ...especially in this month, my biz just getting WONDERFUL!. I shall continue talk about this in new entry, stay tune to this window kay..

Happy birthday my love....wishing you all the best in this world as great as you are!!

Aminah | 017 7622434

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Testimoni Gubahan Hantaran

Corset adalah salah satu perkara wajib yg mesti ada bagi bakal pengantin di zaman ini. Ianya sangat membantu untuk kelihatan cantik dan menawan di hari kebesaran. Photoshoot on the big day also memainkan peranan penting to framed the important moment of the big day. Persoalanya, adakah ia selesa? Adakah corset itu memberikan benefit yg lain?

Premium Beautiful corset is a revolution in this new era. Ianya menyerap peluh dan men'nyah' bau badan sbb material yg digunakan sangat sesuai dipakai selama 8 jam dgn cuaca khatulistiwa di Malaysia. Ia berfungsi sebagai 'thermoregulator' di mana ia akan sesuai kan suhu badan bila mana keadaan sekitar sgt panas atau sgt sejuk. Pendek kata si pemakai tidak akan rasa terlalu panas dan sentiasa dalam keadaan selesa jadi untuk posing segala position ketika hari kejadian tentula tiada
masalah. Pasang badan laa.. apalagi kansss! Cutting and shapping sangat la ketara kelihatan, no worriess on that...

Berkongsi idea yg lain dari yg lain. Unique! Eye catching! for your big day....

Aminah | 0177622434

Monday 26 November 2012

Ulangtahun Syarikat ke 20

Siapa yang tak kenal artis Malaysia yg tgh top skrg ni? Mien and biz partners so excited to watch the performance by Shila Amzah and Dayang Nurfaizah...woot woot!!

These 2 super gorgeous artist with powerful voice was invited and performed in conjunction with the Hai-O 20th Anniversary. The venue is at Stadium Melawati, Shah Alam.

the special about this anniversary is that my great and sweet mentor, Adibah Karimah naik ke pentas utama untuk menerima penghargaan sebagai Crown Diamond Manager 2012. Harussslaaa dgn dress special made by Msian top designer....da mcm princess pon ada!! sgt sweet and amazing...
Look at the pictcha!!
Congratulations Adibah Karimah!! You've turn your big dreams into reality!! It's a BIG proud!!

All are started by this superb amazing lady, Hanis Haizi. So proud of you!! Impressive!!


to be feature in TV9, check it out!

Be part of this success with us
Aminah | 0177622434

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Kaut ilmu

Semakin rancak dan seronok menjalankan small biz with the big income. Great! right? 
Seperti yg biasa dan selalu diwar-warkan, semuanya akan di ajar, di kongsi dan di pimpin oleh org yg da terbukti berjaya dalam biz ini, originally by Green Leaders Group. Jadinya tiada la kerisauan melanda, minda pon tak sesak dan semuanya sgt mudah, gunakan sajork segala online marketing channel in PROFESSIONAL way. 
Menambah ilmu yg sgt berguna sambil memelihara kesihatan dgn Premium Beautiful corset.

Tak perlu travel jauh and save cost jugak sbb mereka2 ini sangat committed sampai ker JB. Yes! this class all happened in Johor Bahru jek. Millions and big thank you to Dr Hasbi and Adibah Karimah

All made easy and simple!! It is the best!! 


 Beauties having fun!
Believe it or not?
aminah | 0177622434

Monday 12 November 2012

Seminar SM/SSM Cycle III by GLG

Setelah menyusun jadual yg padat, tiba la masa menimba ilmu, inject semangat dan motivasi dan mengambil aura bersama org yg sudah terbukti berjaya....adalah perkara sgt PENTING bagi memastikan jalan yg sama yg kita pilih.

always ready with high level of spirit to success~~

Great team! Awesome spirit!

fantastic speech! by successful lady to become a legend...

just achieve her dreams in a year~~ awesome!
me are doing the same, niiceee!

Us and committed mentor together with 6 figure income lady...
I smell her fresh Beemer, me looiikeey!

Me with lady wearing rm10k++ coat, special tailored scarf by famous designer and 7inch designer pump shoes! OMG!!
young and successful entrepenuer! 6 figure income monthly and never less than that!!

 mingle around with proven successful lady is a MUST!
a very very good and nice tips are shared, yes! yes! yes!

Alhamdulillah.....syukur..... dipertemukan 'jodoh' bersama group yg sgt profesional and supportive with always positive mindset. Green Leaders Group is the right group and best ever!!
Heart these lady very much! Hanis Haizi , Adibah Karimah and Hafizah.

I want to share with you the true story,in details.
just texting me kay...
aminah | 0177622434

Monday 5 November 2012


 Apakah maksud Osteoporosis?

Perkataan "osteo" bermaksud tulang, "porosis" bermaksud poros = Tulang poros. Penyakit osteoporosis adalah penyakit tulang yg paling kerap berlaku di dunia ni. Rakyat Malaysia juga sudah semakin ramai yang menghidapinya, tak kira usia muda atau tua.

Tanda-tanda lain osteoporosis adalah seperti sakit belakang, bongkok, ketinggian merosot. Penyakit ni juga dipanggil "Pembunuh Senyap" sebab org tu tak akan merasa apa2 perubahan sehinggalah tahap yg teruk.

Tulang menjadi kurang padat, rapuh dan mudah patah walaupun terjatuh dari kedudukan berdiri. Ini sangat merbahaya dan merisaukan sbb tulang tu da 'fragile' mcm kaca yg mudah pecah dan retak.

Cara nak tahu ada osteoporosis ke tidak, boleh buat test dipanggil DXA (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry), lebih kurang mcm x-ray jugakla tapi special sket... Kena buat appointment dulu kat jabatan radiology nk buat test ni.Mungkin juga ramai tak tahu mengenai test ini dan sekarang dah tahu, bole la terus buat appointment yer.....

Ini gambar x-ray bahagian tulang sendi pinggul...hotspot utk osteoporosis...tengok kaler kat T-score kat ni ada osteoporosis la tu...ada kaler merah.

Vitamin D diperlukan badan utk menyerap Kalsium dan Phosphate. Dua mineral ni la yg menjadi tulang. Vitamin D ni ada dlm makanan spt mentega, susu, ikan, bijirin. Tetapi, badan masih memerlukan cahaya matahari utk menghasilkan vitamin D yg aktif iaitu vitamin D3.

Dalam cahaya matahari ada uv-A dan uv-B ni, uv-A berbahaya pada kulit, boleh menyebabkan kanser kulit dan uv-A ni boleh melepasi cermin
, awan, asap, debu dsb...yg si uv-B ni pulak terbalik...ia bagus utk badan kita jana vitamin D3, tapi problem dia tak boleh lepas sunscreen, cermin, awan, asap dsb...

So nak dptkan uv-B ni terpaksa kena bahaya uv-A.Tidak mengapa, pakai korset Premium Beautiful, ia ada Teknologi F.I.R. yg mana tenaga FIR adalah satu-satunya anti-dote (penawar) kepada kesan toksik uv-A yg berbahaya itu.
Marilah sama-sama mencegahnya
Aminah Musa | 0177622434

*credit to Adibah Karimah

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Gadget and kids

memberanikan diri dengan memberi peluang kepada diri sendiri telah membawa ke dunia perniagaan yg selama ini di impikan. Mana tidaknya, dunia semakin pantas bergerak berputar ke hadapan dan terruuuusss ke hadapan....kiter juga mesti juger bergerak sama ke hadapan dan terus, berada di zone sekrg mmg tidak ada salahnya cuma hanya melihat dan tunggu dan lihat jek la kejayaan org yg terus ke hadapan dgn ambil peluang yg ada.....

Cerita ttg biz ni, era baru skrg mmg masa tak cukop, masa tak der, 24jam sehari rasa mmg tak penah cukup..... apa caranya? Buat biz secara online and marketing in professional way....  Settle!
Buat online ni pulak, of kos memerlukan gadget segala bagai.....gadget-gadget skrg sgt berlambak di market, make your own little homework about it....waallaa! the gadget is yours!   *clapping2

Gadget2 skrg sgt friendly user sampaikan kids lagi mahir compare to adult.... adooii....kiranya complete package, adult and kids can use and fully utilize the gadget facility. Both, sure can do and settle their own 'business' with it... hihiii...!! 

Agree with me?! No?

Income gemuk sihat
aminah | 0177622434

Tuesday 30 October 2012

side menu aidiladha

setiap kali musim raya mesti di penuhi aktiviti dgn acara-acara yg meriah...kannn...nama pon raya, yer tak? acara yg paling wajib best adalah MAKAN! woho!

kaum Adam pastinya akan ke tempat sembelihan dan kaum Ibu sgt synonym dgn masak memasak di dapur. Daging yg sgt fresh mmg sgt awesome masak apa jua jenis lauk pauk, goreng kunyit gaul garam poooonn trsgt la haarruuummmmm dan membuka selera ~~~~  *clapping*

pinjam kat sila terlioq okay....

dan family saya yg meriah ini di time-time raya dan time tak raya juger, mensajikan lauk standard raya org Johor lah, of course!! daaannnn tambahan menu spesel adalah pemanis mulut gitu! yelah, time2 gini la nk meriah kan lagi keseronokan yg terbit di hari raya. Kemewahan dia hari raya namanya niiihhh.....

sila jeles kay...

daripada segala macam itu, kemewahan dan tradisional. Tidak dilupai juger dgn menu kegemaran biler time cuaca panas dan badan mula panas hasil dr pebakaran daging dlm badan (kantol sbb nmpak naauu makin byk, hahahaa...) . Kombinasi yang mengimbau kenangan duduk bersila atas pangkin di bwh pokok angin bertiup laju....kihkihkih~

senang jek niih...

Makan segala macam tanpa rasa ragu, bimbang dan risau di atas kenaikan jisim badan kerana ada yg PA yg tlg mengawal nafsu dan selera trmasuk 'menyusun' lemak dan daging di tmpt sepatutnya. Yeszah!

ketahui lebih terperinci
aminah | 0177622434

Friday 26 October 2012

Aidiladha 2012

Selamat menyambut hari raya Qurban kpd semua muslimin dan muslimat, tak kira di mana jua semua berada. Harap Eid Adha kali ini sgt bermakna utk semua..... Pengorbanan yg dilaksanakan sgt perlu dihargai dan dihayati.....

Keindahan takbir bergema sgt menuksu kalbu dan jiwa semua muslimin sejati. Laungan keindahan itu berterusan selama tiga hari yg istimewa....itu yg membuatkan ia sgt istimewa.....
Sambut la hari istimewa ini dgn penuh penghayatan keislaman dan keimanan.

Pengorbanan yg kita lakukan tak kira dr segi wang ringgit, masa, kudrat dan material, insya Allah semuanya pasti mendapat hasil balasan yg baik dan berguna pd kita utk jangka masa yg dekat mahupon jauh.....

Jgn sesekali korban peluang yg ada dihadapan mata. Ada pepatah mengatakan "peluang tidak hadir secara bergolek di dpn mata kita utk kali kedua". Terus tangkap peluang itu dan gunakan sebaik mungkin utk majukan hidup dan perbaiki hidup.

aminah | 0177622434

Monday 22 October 2012

perniagaan suami isteri

Setiap hari kiter mesti berhadapan dengan pelbagai umat manusia yg bermacam2, tak kira samada bekerja di pejabat atau suri rumah.... dunia dah semakin berubah, tgk sahaja teknologi yg tidak dapat dinafikan arus pembangunan begitu jugak dengan ekonomi dunia.

Semakin hari semakin ramai yg berusaha untuk meletak diri dan keluarga setaraf arus ekonomi sekarang yg sgt global dan mencabar. Jadi pasangan suami dan isteri mesti mempunyai pendapatan masing2 bagi melangsungkan kehidupan di era skarang ini, itu mmg berlaku pada setiap manusia yg hidup dan ianya sangat normal. Dah tak seperti zaman nenek moyang dulu, kaum hawa duduk rumah dan kaum adam membanting tulang mencari rezeki.....

Kenapa tidak pasangan itu, suami isteri membuat kerja secara teamwork? Mencari duit poket tambahan bersama-sama bagi memantapkan ekonomi bersama, keluarga yg sama. Masih tercari2 apakah yg patut diceburi?

Da ramai pasangan mengambil keputusan untuk membuat secara teamwork bagi memantapkan ekonomi keluarga yg dibina bersama. Menambah eratkan silaturrahim dan keintiman. How suuwwiiittt!!! How lovely!!! *wink wink*
Bukti depan mata pon dah ada dah. Lihat saja  pasangan ini DSM Fiza dan pasangan yang sangat menakjubkan dan memberi inspirasi CDM Adibah Karimah.

Semua ini masih belum terlambat untuk kita
aminah | 017 7622434